Semester 5 DONE!

On 16 of January 2015 at 4.30 pm..finally I ammm DONE with my fifth semester! One semester left to go till 4 months of internship and graduation! Woots.

There are some much things happen in fifth semester. People come and they leave. Leaving marks and scars that will never heal. I decided there must be a reason for these things to happen and lets just keep moving forward (Quoted from The Robinson).

Its been like hell of 6 months or more since my last update right? Well told ya' I'm going to be busy once the semester begins. Next and last semester will be lot tougher with the final year presentation and internship blablabla. I just can't wait to finish my degree! But I don't wanna start working that soon too. Geez. So pictures below sums up my whole semester with my friends! And I must say thanks to the 9 lecturers of Research Method subjects that choose randomly students to be in a group as I made new friends or should i say know my classmates much better. Till then. :)

P/S : Although its a one month holiday or semester break..I won't be update much. I need to find title for my final year presentation! Any suggestion or ideas what should I present for my final year? Oh I'm taking Bachelor in Islamic Finance with Honour so I have to find something that are related to Islamic Finance. And issues and challenges in Takaful industry will be my last choice cause I bet many will choose to do on that.